August 4, 2015

Face Lift

Alright, here’s the deal.  Craig keeps insisting that I blog.  He thinks I have some talent with the written word or whatever.  I enjoy the creative outlet that it gives me but I don’t enjoy the sense of commitment required to build a legit blog.  All that considered, I’m blogging.  I’m hoping to commit to twice a week with this.  I’ve changed the name from My One And A Half Cents to Duct Tape And Straight Jackets.  Couple reasons. One, it just sort of feels like a name change was warranted. You know how in scripture any time there is a big event people’s names are being changed?  Same thing here.  But less flashy. Maybe.  Two, I didn’t really have a strong connection with MOAAHC as a name.  I just kind of picked it.  Now, Duct Tape and Straight Jackets?  That I have a connection with.  My running joke is that all I need for parenting is duct tape and a straight jacket.  Kids being rowdy? Duct tape and a straight jacket.  Kids talking back? Duct tape and a straight jacket.  Won’t sit still at dinner? Duct tape and a straight jacket. Won’t take a nap? Duct tape and a straight jacket. See?  Soothes all parenting woes.  Of course I have never, and would never, actually use duct tape and a straight jacket on my kids.  But sometimes just the thought makes it all better. 

I plan to write about whatever strikes my fancy.  Sometimes that will be a crack at cheese-ball humor other times it will be more serious.  I promise it will always be real. Real life, real struggles, real joy.  Coming up (Thursday, hopefully) I intend to write on what I lovingly refer to as my current state of homelessness.  Granted I’m not actually living on the streets but I am without my own house.  I’m learning a lot in this time and I’m seeing some interesting things in my kids.  I also am wanting to process some of my thoughts on my daughter’s Tourette’s diagnosis and her accompanying OCD/ Anxiety disorders.  There’s a lot of stuff to unpack there, let me tell ya!  Mommy guilt, my own history with OCD behaviors, etc. I’m embarking on an online public school homeschooling adventure with my daughter as well this year. Oh! And let’s not forget the 3 year old Mr. Man who still needs to be potty trained.  Lots of fun coming up!

My wonderful hubby gave this to me for Mother's Day a few years back.  A real joker he is!  Put it in a frame, behind glass.  How am I supposed to access it quickly???  

If you want to see my more professional, have it all together side, join me at The Clean Life.

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