August 2, 2011

Random Reflections

So the other day I was thinking (which means I was in the shower since the shower is the only place I can think - the heat relaxes me and the sound of the water drowns out the two year old who thinks she runs the place).  Anyway...I was thinking back on the night before (don't get your hopes up, nothing deep here).  My sweet hubby and I had gone to a drive in movie theater of course we brought Elianna (the bossy 2 year old, a.k.a. our daughter, a.k.a. the beast) because we were too cheap to pay for a movie AND a sitter.  And we figured she'd sleep through the movies (yep, two of them for the price of one!  C'mon I told you I'm cheap!), because like me if the sun is down it is time for bed, so we'd be able to really enjoy the movies and save a couple bucks.  It worked.  She slept, on the backseat.  That's where the thinking comes in.  As I'm reliving our wonderful, sleep deprived evening I realized what being a mom is all about (remember, nothing deep).  It's about being out on a Friday night until 2am at a drive in and the only action the backseat of the car sees is a snoring, drooling baby and her blankey.  "Wow", I thought to myself, "that's kinda sad."  Oh well.  Maybe next time I'll spring for the sitter!  : )

So I get out of the shower and the thinking continues (even more rare!).  As I'm brushing my teeth (hey, at least you know I smell good - shower AND brushing my teeth? Must be a special occasion!)  I realized that the day before I'd accidentally used Craig's (the sweet hubby's) toothbrush!  GROSS!  How, one might ask, do I realize this the day AFTER I used it?  Because the day before as I was brushing my teeth (two days in a row?!?  you know I was looking forward to date night!) I remember being grossed out by the feel of what I thought was my toothbrush.  If felt fat and fluffy.  You know like those crazy ones you see at other people's houses where it looks like they pride themselves on having used the same toothbrush since Jr. High?  Yeah, that's what it felt like.  I'd even taken it out mid-brush to inspect it.  Just to be sure it wasn't funky looking.  I feel the need to interject that Craig and I have very similar toothbrushes but his has different bristles (obviously, they're gross) and a little bit of orange.  One can understand how rushing to get myself and the crazy toddler ready in the morning to make it to daycare/work on time I could easily have grabbed the wrong one.  I might also add that I don't have my coffee until I get to work (where I have a student worker who makes it, serves it, and does the dishes!  Like I'd really start making my own at home when I have it so good at work!)  So...anyway.  I realized I'd used his.  It was gross.  I think the next time I see a toothbrush coupon we're getting new ones which look nothing alike.  Yep, long way to get to that point.  Oh well!

Be blessed! (And inspect your toothbrush because now you know if I visit you I just may blog about the state of said toothbrush.)

1 comment:

  1. ever the multitasking mom...
    I love it.

    toothbrushed and showered..all miracles in our house.
    Your so awesome.
